The Impossible

The Impossible

I was in a church service years ago and the atmosphere was electric! The praise and worship seemed to be in such unison that The Lord just showed up. People were clapping and praising our God with vitality and genuine thankfulness. The Pastor walked up to the podium...


I’ve heard so many people over my lifetime talking about having dreams of being naked. They literally are scared to death by these nightmares. Experts have tried to weigh in on what they think it means to have these dreams. Some say it’s personal insecurities. Some...


There’s so many things that come to mind when I think about appreciation. I think about certain people. I think about certain situations that went my way and certain situations that didn’t. I think about the freedoms that I get to enjoy in this country. The list...
A Dream Come True

A Dream Come True

Are you a dreamer? I am for sure. I like to imagine how great things could be, would be, etc. I know God gives us dreams. He is perfect and lives in a perfect environment. Since He created us in His image, we have a desire and a longing for perfection. It’s literally...


Sometimes God puts a feeling, an idea, a warning or even a prompting of sorts in our minds and hearts. We are pretty sure it’s Him but there’s that little bit of doubt. Then the battle of the mind starts. “Lord, if this is you, let me know for sure.” We even try to...