City On A Hill
My husband loves driving at night. I love sleeping in a car so we’re a perfect match when it comes to long distance drives. He’d rather go at night because the interstate is less crowded and I don’t care where I sleep. I can actually sleep anywhere! There always comes...
Impossible or I’m-Possible
Have you ever had one of those days that you just need a “do over”? I mean from the minute you wake up it’s like everything is coming against you! Sometimes it’s not just a day. It’s a season of life. Maybe a loved one is sick. Maybe you’re facing an illness yourself....
That’s Mine!
Who hasn’t witnessed a situation where two or more children are arguing over the belonging of an object? The truth of the matter is, it may not belong to either of them. “I had it first,” one might say. “No, you had the blue one.” On and on. You get the idea. It seems...Page 1 of 1