Just a Flicker

Just a Flicker

Have you ever been home at night and the power goes out suddenly? It’s crazy! It’s like everybody in the house freezes immediately. It’s dark! You can’t see anything in front of you and your mind knows instinctively that this is dangerous. You could trip over...
The Plan

The Plan

We spend our lives making them. Our very existence is centered around them. They’re constantly interrupted and put on hold for situations that need immediate response. Our plans. Oh how they control everything! Or do they? Are we sure that we possess enough power to...
The Veil

The Veil

Are you serious right now? How can they possibly not see this? It’s so obvious! This whole situation is frustrating me to no end! Any of these lines sound familiar to anyone besides me? I’ve found myself using these phrases a lot the last couple of years. It seems as...
What is Fair?

What is Fair?

“That’s not fair!” Everyone from the age of 3 to 103 has probably voiced this “obvious truth” at some point in their life. Life seems to be going along fine in your world and all of a sudden you get this epiphany. Not everything is fair! Wow! This upsets your world...
A Beautiful Reminder

A Beautiful Reminder

I love hiking! I love to get away in the quietness of God’s undisturbed regions and just play. The natural beauty is hard to describe. It’s not just one mountain, one river or one tree. It’s everything! It all works together. That’s why I get so discouraged when my...