Have you ever been home at night and the power goes out suddenly? It’s crazy! It’s like everybody in the house freezes immediately. It’s dark! You can’t see anything in front of you and your mind knows instinctively that this is dangerous. You could trip over something or run into the corner of a table. Who knows what could happen? Then, all of a sudden, you see a flicker of light. Someone found a flashlight or was able to light a candle. Everyone in the house starts gathering around the light source. It gives off enough brightness to calm shaky nerves and bring a sense of safety. Thank goodness! 

There is safety in the light. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it (John 1:5 NLT). Of course this scripture is talking about THE LIGHT, Jesus! Just one word from Jesus and the enemy has to flee! Everything created bows a knee to Jesus. It has no choice. He is King! What this means for His children is that He has given us power to live in this dark world literally carrying His torch. We’re never without light! He allows us to see things in the dark that the natural eye can’t even see in the day! Wow! This is incredible because of the safety and confidence it offers. Notice the verse says “the darkness can NEVER extinguish it”. That means when the enemy starts whispering lies, you shine the light on him. So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7 NLT). The Word of God has all authority. This “resistance” is literally speaking out God’s truth in the situation. The master of lies cannot stand in the light of God’s truth. Therefore, he flees. He truly can never extinguish God’s light. 

God is faithful. He hasn’t left us here to be defeated. No. Absolutely the contrary. We are already victorious in Jesus. Nothing and I mean nothing can stand against God’s Word and it’s power in our lives. We just have to use it. Then, we are called to show others the light. The Lord said “It is when a person walks at night that they stumble, for they have no light.” (John 11:10 NIV) This night is not just void of sunshine. This night is also a spiritual blindness to the evil responsible for all the chaos in people’s lives. Those of us with The Light have the answer to this seemingly impossible hurdle for our friends and families. They want to see. They just don’t know how. Jesus passed His mighty torch to us and gave us the command to go show a blind world how to see! “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.” (Matthew 5:14 NLT) You, yes you! He’s already secured the victory. Now it’s time for us to shed His light on what seems like unending darkness. We don’t have time to wait on the pastor, my friends. The days we are living in calls for all hands on deck. If you’re in the family of God, you are called to show your light. 

People today need to see that there is another way to live besides how they are living. They need to see that there’s hope. They need to know there’s an anecdote to this evil that keeps tripping them up. His Name is Jesus and He loves them. He has all the answers to any problems we will ever face. This is good news for sad situations. When the lights are out, one flicker of His love and acceptance will draw hurting people to The Light.


Today’s guest writer is Brandi Crowe. A hairdresser for over 25 years, she is currently the owner of Brandi Crowe salon in Buford, GA. She loves hiking, a good cup of coffee, and spending time with family and friends. Brandi lives in a custom farmhouse with her husband Robby and cat Harold.


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