Who doesn’t love a good broadway production?  It’s amazing! All of the costumes, the stage is set and the actors are truly professional. They memorize those lines so well that they probably know everyone else’s too. It’s quite remarkable the talent it takes to put on a program like that. These people are gifted for sure. But, what we see on stage is definitely not what we would see if the curtains were pulled back. Backstage, without makeup, these are not the characters they portray on stage. They are real people with real issues living in a really messed up world. 

We, like the characters in a play, are real people too. But how many times do we pretend that everything is ok when it’s not? When asked how we are, the response is “fine” when it’s certainly nowhere near the truth. We humans have become very good actors. We know how to look, how to respond appropriately and even how to fake it till we make it. We may deserve an Oscar, but what we need is a reality check!  Who are we kidding?  Certainly not God. Proverbs 15:11 (NLT) says “Even death and destruction hold no secrets from the Lord. How much more does He know the human heart!”  He’s looking at us and not seeing the “performance”. He’s seeing our true heart, our feelings and our motives. He’s interested in the “real us”, not the characters we are playing to possibly win the approval of people. I heard it once said from a Pastor, “If you want to get well, you have to get real.”  Amazing advice. Just cut through all of the drama and be real with God and be real with people!

Our cover up is not only affecting us, but it affects other people too. People need to understand that we all have flaws. We need to create an environment where it’s ok to be in need and ask for help. We would all benefit from just being real. We don’t need more fake social media posts. We don’t need people telling us what we want to hear. We need God’s truth and real friends to make it in this messed up world. “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10). The Bible makes it crystal clear here. We need each other. Flaws and all. My strength may be your weakness and your strength may be my weakness. We have to be authentic to help one another. We need to know we can rely on each other. 

The interesting thing is – God’s already made His mind up about you!  He cannot and will not change. He will not love you more or less based on how you handle situations in your life. He doesn’t pretend and He doesn’t need a performance from you. We get the real Jesus on the pages of the Bible. We can trust Him with our deepest grief and we can also laugh with Him too. He’s the Great I Am!  Whatever you need, He says “I Am that”. He’s always the answer and always ready to help. So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because of our Lord Jesus Christ who has made us friends of God (Romans 5:11). He took us in while we were in sin!  This is how serious He is about getting down to the heart of the matters in your life. We should strive to be the same with our relationships. Don’t pass judgment on someone just because they appear to be a mess. Truth is, we’re all messed up in certain areas. Jesus wants to get involved and bring good out of the situation. You could be the very person God wants to use to reach that individual. 

This world is starving for truth and authenticity. Don’t hide behind a costume and pretend like your life is perfect. Get real and help someone who needs you. They will so appreciate the honesty and God will honor you for it. It’s who we are “backstage” that defines us. Don’t get tangled up in the show. 


Today’s writer is Brandi Crowe. A hairdresser for over 25 years, she is currently the owner of Brandi Crowe salon in Buford, GA. She loves hiking, a good cup of coffee and spending time with family and friends. Brandi lives in a custom farmhouse with her husband, Robby and cat, Harold.

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