“‘My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.’ So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me (2 Corinthians 12:9 NLT).” Are you serious, Lord?! Share my weakness? I sense my diligent protest not working. If I share my weakness, then they’ll know the real me. He says, “exactly”. I heard a pastor once say, “If you want to get well, you have to get real.” So, this is it. The cold, hard truth. The mind is not always a pretty thing. 

The Apostle Paul seemed to understand the human mind about as well as anybody that’s ever lived. He understood that we serve this mighty God that sends His Holy Spirit to dwell in us, yet according to the book of Romans, “there is another power within me that is at war with my mind (Romans 7:23). The serpent asked Eve in Genesis 3:1, “Did God really say…” That is where it all began. We question the only one who knows the answers to this life. We question the one who holds the very universe He created. To question God with our finite minds can only lead to infinite danger. We all know the story. Eve took the bait, or in her case, the forbidden fruit and the rest is history. The ability to know good and evil enters the world and is still affecting every one of us to this very day. 

Before we pass judgment on Eve, let’s take a little self inventory. How many times are we tempted to not believe God? We have the Bible, His very word in our hands and yet the strategic game that the devil has planned is still played out. 

I deal with a form of OCD that literally affects my mind. The enemy whispers the antithesis to what God says and I know to be true and wham!! The hamster is now on the wheel running, as fast as he can. I cannot stop thinking, analyzing, questioning, until my hungry brain gets “it” straight in my head. Outwardly, I look fine. I seem to have it all together, but inside there’s a serious war going on. You can’t see the obsessing, but it’s certainly there, only to be followed by compulsions of checking, questioning, and then more questions to follow! I’m worn out and haven’t even gotten out of bed yet. Certainly this IS NOT what my loving creator had planned for me. He designed my mind to be fed by His Holy Spirit into all truth. Thank God He gives us His truth! 

The truth is, the mind is like a finely tuned computer. It is amazing and can do beautiful things, but if used improperly, can lead to destruction. Our mind is programmable. This means it is able, like a computer, to be coded with instructions for automatic performance. That’s the definition of programmable. 

Our job as receivers of this great gift is to actually program the mind. 

Wow! What a task God has asked of us! However, if we are to be free to choose and not be programmed robots, it has to be this way. 

Fortunately, the Bible has a lot to say about the mind. God gives us His truth because He knows the mind is the primary battleground for the war the enemy is waging. Therefore, we can actually program our minds to God’s truth. When the enemy shows up and says, “Did God really say?” we can confidently pull the truth to the forefront of our minds, and win the battle by using God’s very word He has taught us to be our defense weapon. When Jesus Himself was being tempted by the enemy, He said, “It is written”. He knew God’s word had all authority. Unlike Eve, Jesus did not fall for what the adversary was trying to entrap Him with. I know. I know. We’re not Jesus, you say, but He gave us this example to follow. Our job, as mind programmers, is to get God’s word in us so strong that it comes out automatically. 

Phillippians 4:8 tells us, “And now dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” It doesn’t tell us to focus on gloom and doom and things scary and horrible. It does not say, “but what if?” It tells us to stay fixated on the concrete, good stuff. If you want a healthy body, you feed it healthy food. If you want a healthy mind, you meditate on God’s word. Romans 12:2 tells us, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” It couldn’t be made any more clear than this. Let God do this for and in you through a steady diet of His word. It is good and it is life changing if you feast on it every day. 

I have a very good doctor who understands that my brain has a chemical imbalance. She prescribed medication to help me physically, but I also program my brain daily using God’s word as my spiritual prescription. The doctor does her part to deal with the physical and I do my part to let God transform my mind spiritually. The combination works together in complete harmony. I’m not saying that I’m without daily troubles or cares, but when trouble comes, my eyes are fixed on the one who cares for me! My mind is set on “automatic” to immediately pull up His word. This is His promise for whatever situation I face. 

Since May is observed as mental health month, let me leave you with one promise from God’s word that is sure to get you excited. In the book of Isaiah chapter 26 it says, “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!” Isn’t that what we all want? Perfect peace in our lives that only a perfect God can give. What a beautiful thought! 

Trust the one who made you to know exactly what you need in this life. He loves you and wants this for you.


Today’s writer is Brandi Crowe. A hairdresser for over 25 years, she is currently the owner of Brandi Crowe salon in Buford, GA. She loves hiking, a good cup of coffee and spending time with family and friends. Brandi lives in a custom farmhouse with her husband, Robby and cat, Harold. 




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