

There’s so many things that come to mind when I think about appreciation. I think about certain people. I think about certain situations that went my way and certain situations that didn’t. I think about the freedoms that I get to enjoy in this country. The list...
A Dream Come True

A Dream Come True

Are you a dreamer? I am for sure. I like to imagine how great things could be, would be, etc. I know God gives us dreams. He is perfect and lives in a perfect environment. Since He created us in His image, we have a desire and a longing for perfection. It’s literally...


Sometimes God puts a feeling, an idea, a warning or even a prompting of sorts in our minds and hearts. We are pretty sure it’s Him but there’s that little bit of doubt. Then the battle of the mind starts. “Lord, if this is you, let me know for sure.” We even try to...
Take Inventory

Take Inventory

The holiday season is upon us. We’re running here, going there. We’re starting to buy gifts. There’s lots of food prep. You get the idea. It happens every year. It seems like we’re literally running in circles most of the time. People are pulling us in every...
Just a Flicker

Just a Flicker

Have you ever been home at night and the power goes out suddenly? It’s crazy! It’s like everybody in the house freezes immediately. It’s dark! You can’t see anything in front of you and your mind knows instinctively that this is dangerous. You could trip over...
The Plan

The Plan

We spend our lives making them. Our very existence is centered around them. They’re constantly interrupted and put on hold for situations that need immediate response. Our plans. Oh how they control everything! Or do they? Are we sure that we possess enough power to...