Everyone loves a good story about finding hidden treasure. People spend their lives searching for gold, going all over the globe to find hidden gems or diving down deep into the abyss to get a chance at a sunken ship filled with loot. No matter what the prize, one thing’s for sure – people will go out of their way to make personal sacrifice for treasure. Treasure offers benefits and has the ability to change your life for the better.
In the book of Romans, God reminds us that His gifts and callings can never be withdrawn. God is basically saying that He has given each one of us individual gifts and callings that are specific to us. Some people have the ability to sing. Some have the ability to teach others. Some folks are equipped with the gift of encouragement. Whatever our gifts or callings are, they are a treasure. God has given us these special gifts to help each other in this world we live in. Doctors have the wisdom to help people get well. People who are good with numbers make great accountants to help people with their businesses. You get the idea.
What if people choose not to operate in their giftings? What if they don’t consider that what they have to offer is significant? Who can then do what only they’re called to do? Nobody! God has given us all a specific gift for our specific sphere of influence. He needs you to be in the game. Only you can be you. If you’re thinking you have nothing to offer, that is a lie. We’re all equipped to do what only we can do. If we ignore our gifts or compare ourselves to others, we then choose to bury our treasure. We allow things to be ignored that God was counting on us to do.
The book of Matthew tells us of a story where a master was leaving for a while and entrusted his property to three servants. The property equaled money. The master wanted to see what the servants could do with the property to make more money. Two of the servants did indeed make more money for the master by carefully handling their allotted property. Unfortunately, the third servant buried his and had no return to show. The master obviously wasn’t very happy with him. He took something of value and did absolutely nothing with it. We certainly do not want to do this with the giftings God has bestowed on us. He wants a return on His investment. Keep this in mind – He needs nothing from us. He’s God. He is self sufficient. He wants us to enjoy the benefits of operating in our gifts and wants us to be a blessing to the people He loves. This is how He has designed life. He wants us to live in community and rely on Him as well as others. That’s why our gifts are different from each other’s. God wants us to love and need one another.
Another thing to remember about gifts is that they are all important. Just because you can’t do surgery on someone doesn’t mean you can’t cook them a nice meal to enjoy when they’re back home recovering. Everyone has a part to play. Every gift is needed. Do some self inventory and ask yourself if you’re using your gifts and talents to be a blessing to others. Your life will also be more fulfilled when you are operating in God’s will for your life. Don’t squander your talents because you’re waiting for someone else to step up to something God has equipped you to do. Think of all the people who have used their talents to pour into you. You wouldn’t be where you are today if not for someone being obedient to their calling. Live life to the fullest by operating in your callings. You only get one life to live and one chance to experience the blessing of being obedient to what God has for you. Cemeteries are unfortunately full of buried treasure.
Today’s writer is Brandi Crowe. A hairdresser for over 25 years, she is currently the owner of Brandi Crowe salon in Buford, GA. She loves hiking, a good cup of coffee and spending time with family and friends. Brandi lives in a custom farmhouse with her husband, Robby and cat, Harold.