I’ve heard it said before that nobody likes change except a wet baby. I would definitely have to agree with that statement based on my life’s experience. Most people just do not like changes. They like to play it safe. That’s what we call our “comfort zones.”  No surprises for me. No thank you! Predictability is just fine. It’s always worked. Don’t fix it if it’s not broken. Unfortunately for us, God has other plans. He knows that the very changes we fight against ultimately help us reach our destiny!

Change is inevitable. The world we’re living in today is proof of that. Laws change. Government officials change. Jobs change. It seems like nothing is permanent. We finally move into a community that we like because of a job relocation and next thing you know, we’re told that will be changing! Is there anything permanent? Is there anything familiar in this ever changing whirlwind we find ourselves in? The answer is a resounding YES!! In the book of Malachi, chapter 3 verse 6 (NLT), the prophet tells us a very important piece of information to be able to survive in this world. It says “I am the Lord, and I do not change.”  Well that’s great but how does that affect me?  Well, I’m glad you asked!

Jesus explains the answer to us in the book of Matthew chapter 7. He’s basically telling the people that life on earth is going to have storms. Some will be torrential. He doesn’t say “if” the storms come. He says “when” the storms come. That’s essential to know because if you’re currently not in a storm, get ready. It’s usually brewing. He goes on to say that if we’re wise, we will follow His teaching which He relates to someone building their house on bedrock. He says that when these adversities of life come, those houses will not collapse. On the other hand, the foolish one who doesn’t obey the Lord’s teaching is related to a house being built on sand. The storms come and the house collapses. He’s speaking figuratively here. The “houses” are actually us! They are our lives. What we build our lives on determines the direction of our future. 

Since God does not change, His Word does not change either. He’s not going to change His mind just because the stock market is up or down. He’s not going to change His obligation to His children based on our performance, whether good or bad. He’s not going to quit loving you because you were human and missed the mark. He’s already got His mind made up about you!  The book of Psalms chapter 17 reminds us that we are the apple of His eye. This is definitely the bedrock I want to build my life on. He’s stable when we’re not. His steadfast love will deliver us safely through anything that comes our way. 

On the other hand, we can build our lives on empty promises of this world. We can hope things will work out with absolutely no assurance whatsoever. We can try to make as much money as possible hoping it will hold its value. We can try to avoid storms altogether but we know that’s not possible because Jesus has already told us that they’re coming. This sounds like a very unsteady ship headed straight for high waves and tsunami force winds. This certainly is not God’s plan for us. 

The Lord NEVER promised us a tiptoe through the tulips but He did guarantee that if we make Him our Lord and Savior, He will see us through. Psalm 84:11 says “For the Lord God is our sun and shield. He gives us grace and glory. The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.”  Doing right in this case is building your life on His promises. They prove true every time!  Nothing can outsmart the Lord. He has seen it all. No mess of yours could ever push Him away. He wants to be involved in your life and take care of you. Everything has to bow a knee to King Jesus!

In closing, I would recommend a self inventory. It’s good to do those every once in a while. Are you standing on the immovable rock of Christ or are you being tossed to and fro in a desert of blinding sand? Change is coming. There is no doubt about that. Are you ready?


Today’s writer is Brandi Crowe. A hairdresser for over 25 years, she is currently the owner of Brandi Crowe salon in Buford, GA. She loves hiking, a good cup of coffee and spending time with family and friends. Brandi lives in a custom farmhouse with her husband, Robby and cat, Harold.

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